Agrigento is a city on Sicily in the
Province of Agrigento. It has 59031 citizens and spreads over a area of244 qkm.
Agrigento is a town on the south-west coast of the island. Founded under the name of Akragas by the Greek, it developed into an important centre of the island. The poet Pindar glorified Akragas as “the most beautiful of mortal towns”. Yet today the temple buildings, which can be visited in the Valley of the Temples (“Valle di Templi”), give witness of the town’s time of prosperity.
On this page we would like to introduce some hotles in restaurants in Agrigento. If you have or know a website about Agrigento , than you can contact us and if you would like to write something about Agrigento, than we would be happy to publish your text here on this website.