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Siracusa is located to the southeast coast of Sicily. It is one of the most beautiful cities of the island. There are numerous archaeological sites and an impressing historical town centre. The city lies directly at the coast and in the numerous restaurants you can have a delicious meal, while enjoying a fantastic view over the sea. After sunset the city center is bathed into the golden light of the street lanterns and the roads are filled with the voices of the people, sitting in restaurants and bars, discussing and drinking red wine.

Location and general information

Surprisingly there is no motorway from Catania to Siracusa and from Catania you have to take the coastal road S114 to get there. From Agrigento the 115 leads to Siracusa. The city has a station and ferry connections go to Catania and Reggio di Calabria. Siracusa has 117,000 inhabitants.


Especially the Parco Archeologico is worth seeing, its a large archaeological area with loads of antique buildings from the time of the Greeks. Here you can see a Greek theatre, in which they show classical plays in summer ( for more information see below ), the altar of Hieron and the Latomia are only some of the highlights. The most famous sight is the “Latomia del Paradiso” with the "ear of Dionysios", a cave with a special acoustic.

In Siracusa there are also well preserved catacombs and the archaeological museum.

left.: The ear of Dionysos
middle: The greek theatre.

Performances in the greek theatre

When the last ray of sunlight caress the town, the curtain rises and on the wide stage of the Greek Theatre of Siracusa come on stage kings, warriors and fortune tellers to evoke their stories and their fights.

At the Greek Theatre of di Siracusa, a wide arena nearly completely cut out from the bedrock without any doubt the greatest memento of theatrical architecture of the western greek world and of the noble past of the town of Siracusa, The National Institute for Ancient Drama schedules every year the Cycle of Classical Plays, an event of international appeal now at its 41° year, bringing back to life the ancient heroes of the greek and roman tradition. 2005 Schedule shows the performance of the two dramas “I sette e Tebe” and ”Antigone” telling the story of Edipo’sons, that is the fratricidal war between Eteocle and Polinice for Tebe’s throne and the cruel destiny of their sister.

I Sette a Tebe

Director: Jean Pierre Vincent
Performances May: 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 21th, 25th, 27th, 29th, 31th
Performances June: 2nd, 4th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 24th, 26th


Director: Irene Papas
Performances May: 14th, 18th, 20th, 22th, 24th, 26th, 28th
Performances June: 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 21th, 23th, 25th

Prices (except booking fee 10%)

Prices for one play:
Numbered Sector A: 40,00 Euro
Numbered Sector B: 35,00 Euro
Without seat reservation: 25,00 Euro
Without seat reservation the 24th, 25th May and the 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th June: 15,00 Euro

Prices for both plays:
Numbered Sector A: 70,00 Euro
Numbered Sector B: 60,00 Euro
Without seat reservation: 40,00 Euro

Contact: (English or Italian)

Comunicazione e Promozione Fondazione INDA Tel: 0039 0584962594 fax: 0584 962891 Email:
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